Green Delivery Policy
Hello Neighbors! Thank you for stopping by at Neighbor Green!
For info of our delivery charges please click here
You will be receiving your order with minimal packaging, or no packaging at all!
Our Green Delivery Policy
* Zero Plastic Bags & Bubble Wrap Packaging
* Reuse Paper Boxes & Ice packs
* Using Our Own Cooler Bags
To lower the waste of delivery packaging by 3rd party logistics companies, we managed to have direct delivery to you from our warehouse by our team members.
Upon your order delivery, our team member will collect back those unwanted ice packs/cooler bags, we can collect them and return to our warehouse and reuse them for future orders. Plus, you can also provide your own recycle bags to us, so we can pack your items in your bags toward your next order.
We are always looking for ways to improve our services for our neighbors. Your comments, suggestions and concerns are healthful to us. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime!
We've got you covered, be our Green neighbors!
Have an abundance day,Your Neighbor.GREEN Team
7 September , 2020